Tuesday, February 9, 2010

CANCELED due to snow

I suppose if I was a child in school, I would be excited about a snow day.  However, since I am neither a child, nor in school....I'm not.  I would probably also be excited to get a free day off of work...however, being in between jobs - this also, is not a benefit to me.  All I am getting out of tonight is small group (NOTE: For those not familiar with the Christian lingo "small group" it's this - a place where those that love the Lord come together to talk about Him, grow together, and share in our struggles.  It's a place of love and encouragement.  And if you're in a women's small group...it's also a place of good food!).  I love the women in my small group so this is disappointing to not get that fellowship time I was so looking forward to.  

I was thinking about this feeling of disappointment and wondering how God feels when something comes in the way of our time with Him.  Does He look forward to it as much as we look forward to seeing our friends?  I would assume He does, and quite a bit more, in fact.  He created every intricate and quirky detail about us.  He loves us enough to come and die for us.  He is ALWAYS there, ALWAYS listening, ALWAYS ready to catch us.  I love my friends, but I can't claim such bold of statements about any of them. 

So having settled that God DOES care about us and DOES look forward to our time together, He must be let down when we let the insignificant things of this world choke out our time with Him.  I'm not implying that it's bad to go to work, spend time with people you love, or even have fun or just veg out (See Chapter 10 "The Sacrament of Living" of A.W. Tozer's book "The Pursuit of God".)  But I wonder what God's thoughts are when we spend more time on all of that than on Him - when we serve Him our leftovers from the day.  I don't know about you, but I serve a HOLY God, worthy of my EVERYTHING.  I know that I don't always give Him that.

I don't want to get to the end of my life and wonder "What did I spend all my time on??"  I want to say that I spent it getting to know my wonderful Savior.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jen - blogging?

Hi all. I'm not really sure who "all" is quite yet, but we'll see if anyone reads this. Some friends of mine have recently started blogging, and after seeing their example, and watching the movie "Julie and Julia", it has inspired me to give it a go. Back in the day, I used Xanga and enjoyed that quite a bit. I thought that I had grown out of that but I'm beginning to be persuaded that blogging is not simply for teenagers that want to voice their opinions...it's also for adults that want to voice their opinions. I haven't quite decided what I'll write about on here. Some posts may be deep and reflective while I'm sure others will be totally random. Here's a couple random thoughts for you right now...
  • Late night television is generally bad and largely sleazy.
  • The only station that is not as the aforementioned is HGTV. Property Virgins is on right now. I like how you can tell when they're in Canada by the way they say "house".
Ok. I think this will do for my first post. Is anyone reading this? Is this an acceptable blog? I'm new to this, so please hold my hand on this first one and let me know it's ok :)